
Since 2006, Françoise Bloch and her company Zoo Théâtre have been pursuing research in which documentary exploration (interviews, surveys, films, etc.) serves as a starting point for a theatre both physical and critical, a theater that tries to reinvent the bonds between collected fragments  from "reality" and their theatrical transpositions. 

Performances are collective creations, built with the actors while using a range of scenic tools (text, movement, video, music) to portray socio-economic issues.

To this day, the following have resulted from this research: Grow or go (2009)about young business strategy consultants; Une société de services (2011), which focused on call center employees; Money! (2013) that, starting from a meeting in a bank, tries to dismantle the mechanics of profit;  Etudes / The elephant in the room (2017) follows a project for a European law in order to analyze the power game between the political and the financial sector; and Points de rupture (2020). In this show, Françoise Bloch and her actors explore those moments when a being finally breaks with the system in which he or she is inscribed in order to draw another line. This show closes the cycle. 

In June 2022, the company opened a research space called "Pieuvre" ("Octopus"). A first short form resulting from this research: "Pieuvre 1" will be presented in November 2023 at the Théâtre des Tanneurs in Brussels.

The Théâtre National de Bruxelles, the Théâtre de Liège, L'ANCRE (Charleroi), MARS-Mons arts de la Scène, the Théâtre Jean-Vilar de Vitry-sur-Seine, The Théâtre Les Tanneurs, The Théâtre Océan Nord and the Théâtre des 13 Vents-CDN Montpellier support this approach.

The company is supported in its theoretical, pedagogical and artistic research by the E.S.A.C.T. and by Théâtre et Publics.

In close connection with her artistic practice, Françoise Bloch has also taught regularly at the Ecole Supérieure d'Acteurs du Conservatoire de Liège (E.S.A.C.T.) where all her projects have been explored. She has also been a lecturer at the RITS - Erasmushogeschool Brussel, and at the school of Théâtre National de Bretagne. She now teaches at the School of Théâtre National de Strasbourg.

The company Zoo Théâtre is supported by the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles - theater department.